Robert Baril has recently discovered that he dates like a cop: Shoots first, asks questions later. Stereotypes and profiles for efficiency. If he screws up, he takes a couple weeks off to “self-investigate.” And once he’s cleared, he gets back out on those streets. See? Sex and politics make great topics for polite conversation, and…
“TMI,” the follow-up to his 2017 Stand Up! Records release “Sex and Politics,” finds Robert Baril in an unexpected position: patriarch. With equal parts incredulity, gusto, resignation, and joy, he’s traded “dating like a cop” for throwing gender reveal parties (that is, cleaning house while bemoaning doing chores to reveal a fetus’s genital configuration) and…
Sam Miller’s come full circle—“Round Trip,” if you will. It only took roughly 13 years to get from just outside the Capitol Theater in Olympia, WA, to inside, standing center stage, telling his sobriety story not 200 yards from the spot where he found himself under a tarp (and the very specific gaze of a…