“There’s a lot of f*cking weirdos out there on the old Internet, and I just assumed he was one of those guys.” It’s been countable hours since he met JT Habersaat, and Mishka Shubaly already has his number. “He’s absolutely a weirdo, but JT hustles like nobody else. He under-promises, and he over-delivers. He cares. And I don’t…
Judy Gold’s first CD, “Judith’s Roommate Had A Baby” is a hilarious collection of her best bits along with hysterical encounters with her audience. This long awaited album was recorded in Provincetown, MA in front of a lively audience. Judy delivers as only a veteran of many years as a top stand-up can. Track Listing…
Social scientists have found, time and again, that atheists are one of the least trusted groups in North America. They rank lower than most ethnic and racial minorities, lower than convicted rapists. People would rather elect politicians who have done drugs or had affairs than those who might admit they just can’t quite get on…
When Keith Lowell Jensen started a Twitter account for his daughter, he didn’t expect @MaxTheTiger to gain an international audience. Then again, he probably never pictured having the “death talk” with li’l @MaxTheNecromancer as his ardent little tiger tried to Lazarus a froglet. And even that one wasn’t as odd as learning a thing or two from the…
Keith Lowell Jensen is a straightforward man. He will admit to what others would hide… or at least quietly deny. For instance, he’s the first to proclaim that he made a great decision when he dropped out of high school, because the period from that choice to his installation as the manager of PetCo was…
Kristine Levine is so “Portland,” she’s on television, but doesn’t own one. She dated a banker, but broke up with him because he wouldn’t take time off to go huckleberry picking. She even hung in there for a half-hour barefoot manifesto from a never-shoed. Honestly, it’s no wonder she migrated back to PDX to record her very…
In 2016, Lashonda Lester was finally named Funniest Person in Austin. She’d been nominated damn near every year since she transplanted herself south out of Detroit (a transition she likened to leaving jail), and now she was, as The Austin Chronicle put it, on the brink of stardom. And then, just a few months later, she died. She had…
Any comedian would be honored to start his CD with a personal endorsement in which George Carlin’s daughter explains how this particular wit will be Carlin’s torch-bearer. But it’s the simple, sincere list of ways in which Lee Camp is qualified to carry the flame that seals the deal. Kelly Carlin tells us three important…
Lee Camp, widely known as a bright torch for a new generation of stand up comedy and a strong voice for social good, has broken the mold in many ways. Whether it’s performing at over a dozen Occupy encampments or calling Fox News “a parade of propaganda” while on Fox News, Camp defies expectations. And now he…
The follow-up to 2000’s highly successful, “The White Album.” This album was recorded just before September 11, 2001, and as a result needed to be re-recorded. Lewis waxes eloquent about patriotism and airport security and needing to re-record an album. The rampage continues… Track Listing Atlanta After September 11 Environmental Terrorism or Global Warming Coke…
Lewis Black s twisted, dark, and politicized comedy has made him the caustic voice of dissent for the new Millennium. Known to many as America s foremost commentator on everything, his satirical commentary on the perils of everyday life were seen every Wednesday night for 10 years on Comedy Central s The Daily Show With…
Guys, gals, and non-binary pals, have we got a bachelor for you—meet Lou! Lou Moon’s a 30-something stand-up comedian and special education teacher from Phoenix. He likes Steely Dan, obscure references, and laughing by himself, and he’s not about to turn down a third White Claw. A communist on the autism spectrum, Lou’s an intellectual…
Indoor rock skipping, Jehovah’s Witness taunting, naming flora and fauna, swearing with exchange students, jacking inappropriate liquors, tattoo improv, not keistering domestic animals, ghost writing for Ted Nugent, hydrating, doing turtle workouts to Kenny G, working as a seeing-eye person, and describing male genitalia in ways that reinforce her gaiety—these are a few of Maggie Faris’s favorite things….
Lock the gates! Once only available as a super secret CD, the Best of WTF with Marc Maron Volume 1 is now available to the masses.Here s what Marc wants you to know, They were part of a package we would send to premium donors to the podcast when we first started and that was the…
Marc Maron knows there s no sense in pussy-footing around. Life is nasty, brutish, and short, and you might as well get a laugh out of it. Punchline magazine calls it “heartbreaking comedy,” but at Stand Up! Records we prefer to think of Maron as a ridiculously funny and insightful observational comic who’s just not…
Stand Up! Records is happy to announce the re-release of Air America luminary Marc Maron’s first CD, the newly remastered “Not Sold Out.” For those who have witnessed their own personal progression from righteous indignation, to flat-out rage, to defeatist internal fuming, to apathy and back again, sixty minutes with Marc Maron will feel not…