Look, Cliff Cash doesn’t want to alarm anybody, but as a North Carolina native with a mom who speaks in tongues, a dad who worked on pit crews in Nascar’s dirt-track days, and a lesbian big sister, he’s starting to think TV might not be making Southerners look good—less Southern Charm, more Southern Harm….
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Corey Adam’s first record, the Game of Rubber Chickens illustrated “No Joke,” took the path least traveled by showcasing only…
Corey Adam’s first record, the Game of Rubber Chickens illustrated “No Joke,” took the path least traveled by showcasing only the asides, audience interactions, and nimble improv that more often makes the cutting room floor. Now, graduating to “Jokes,” Corey Adam is ready to reveal the polished bits: tattoo related masturbatory chagrin, posthumous exploitation,…
Corey Adam, a standard bearer in the Twin Cities comic scene for the last 8 years or so, told local alt magazine City Pages, “There s a stigma in the comedy community associated with crowd work, like it s a way to mask your deficiencies as a comic.” Luckily, “No Joke,” originally a Kickstarter-funded dream,…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Crowd work. Drunk management. Vamping. Heckler shutdowns. Bachelorette banter. Clapbacks. The rebuttal portion. Whatever you call it, when the crowd…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Comedy and music don’t always go together splendidly; more frequently, you get a one-off novelty act that’s funny once, but…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Yes, like any good Jeopardy! contestant, Amundson comes with a lot of questions and even more interesting trivia. For instance,…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Far younger and far, far hipper than Jon Lovitz, stand-up stand-out Dan Naturman conjures an image of a feisty curmudgeon…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. The rise from low class to attorney has nothing on the rise from stand-up aspirant to ripper-level comic. Daniel Humbarger…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. By A Different Kind of Bad, Danny Bevins probably means A Whole New Kind of Good, but then, you wouldn…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Danny Lobell looks at life from a truly unique perspective, shared by approximately five other living humans: he’s a Scottish…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Dr. Danny Lobell is a miracle worker, mouth trumpeter, newlywed, and civil rights inactivist—and he’s a bit of a snitch….
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Is Iowa real? Dante Powell’s parents couldn’t prepare him for his self-exile to the Corn Belt or his sudden calling…
Is Iowa real? Dante Powell’s parents couldn’t prepare him for his self-exile to the Corn Belt or his sudden calling to defending the Confederacy, no matter how many racism alerts they sent up to their Louisiana-born son. Is Rep. Steve King coming for Dante personally? Is it really offsides to extract reparations by pilfering…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Don’t let her “Nick@Nite” title, “America’s Funniest Mom,” fool you—Darlene Westgor has a razor sharp wit, and she’s not afraid…
This product includes a compressed (.ZIP) folder containing .mp3 audio files and a .jpg image of the album art. After purchasing you will receive an email within 5 minutes with a link to your download. Live from the Vogue Theater in Vancouver, Ontario, Darryl Lenox’s 2012 “Blind Ambition” brings an honorary Canadian to his honorary…